Past Events

Dynamic Process (MAGI) Going Deeper


"There are sunlit roads woven within the dark places" (Phrase#14) Part of the Dynamic (MAGI)  Process is reading the 38 Phrases, a kind of poem that has a unique resonance and way of helping people heal their relationship with conflict. In this discussion class we will focus on some of the Phrases and go deeper [...]


The Nondual Roundtable: Living in a time of Conflict

This Friday, October 21, 11 am EST, don't miss the first installment of The Nondual Roundtable, titled LIVING IN A TIME OF CONFLICT. Free on Live YouTube and Facebook! There will be time for audience interaction with the panel. Please subscribe to our YouTube and Facebook to get live updates on when we go LIVE. [...]

Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Monthly Community Meeting

Please join us for our regular monthly community meeting for those in our nondual community who want to connect around where we are in life and with ourselves. Previous experience has taught us how nourishing, comforting, and supportive this connection can be for all of us. As always, we start with a meditation then share [...]

Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Introduction to the Dynamic Process for Conflict Resolution


The Dynamic Process is a unique way of working with conflict and desire for change. This process changes your relationship to your conflict or question as it creates more room to question possibilities and redefine what is at the root of the challenge. The class consists of a short centering exercise, a brief teaching, then [...]


The Nondual Roundtable: What is a Spiritual Path?


The Foundation for Nonduality is happy to announce the second edition of The Nondual Roundtable. Our intention is to hold monthly live video events on YouTube and Facebook where a panel of Jason Shulman’s students,  will discuss the interface between ideas about nonduality and our daily lives. These events will be free and registrants will [...]

Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]



Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

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