Past Events

Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Nondual Process Group


Join us on Monday, March 27, 2023  from 11am to 12:15pm European Time  to work together with the Nondual Process. Contact Maris Konning at to register and for information on how to join.


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


Introduction to Nondual Kabbalistic Healing


What is nonduality and what does it have to do with kabbalah and healing? Join Beth Almerini and                 Tim Rothschild for a series of classes to explore these questions. We will be working with Jason Shulman's book Kabbalistic Healing: A Path to an Awakened Soul, learning meditations and spiritual practices, and discussing new concepts together [...]


Introduction to the Work of Return


In our efforts to be healthy, happy and okay in the world, we often run into circumstances that increase our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual suffering. Instinctively, we often want to simply eliminate our suffering any way we can. The Work of Return is a spiritual practice, a system of movement, sound and breath, that [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]


The Nondual Process- Going Deeper


An important part of the Nondual Process is reading the 38 Phrases, a kind of poem that has a unique resonance and way of helping people alter their relationship with conflict. In this discussion class we will focus on some of the Phrases and go deeper into their possible meanings and effects on us and [...]

The Work of Return – a self-healing modality


Are you seeking a gentle yet powerful way to heal and awaken? Join us for a workshop on the Work of Return, a transformative practice based on Jason Shulman’s exploration of wholeness and health. In our attempts to create a fixed and unassailable sense of self, we often split ourselves from the world and increase our [...]

Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations & [...]



Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

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