“Nondual Kabbalistic Healing” is a phrase that inspires curiosity. Fundamentally, kabbalistic healing is about embracing our wholeness. Humans by nature habitually insist on believing that the world is a fractured place of disparate parts. It is true that each and every thing contained within the world is unique and distinct yet, it is also true that nothing is separate from any other thing.

Tree rooted in the ground with an empty benchPicture a tree: deep in the earth are minuscule fibers of roots, which are constantly exchanging water and nutrients with the soil at a microscopic level. Yes, the cells of the rootlets are distinct from the soil, yet their membranes continuously open to receive what the soil has to offer — distinct and unique, but not separate. As the roots get bigger, they combine with other roots and form the trunk of the tree which, in turn, branches out into separate limbs, branches, twigs and leaves.

When does the trunk become a branch or a twig become a leaf? These are each different things, yet they cannot be separated from each other. The cell membranes of the leaves are, like those of the roots, in constant and continuous communication with the molecules of the air, releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, so there is really no way to separate the tree from the air. If you were to cut off the tree’s air supply, or remove it from the soil, it would cease to exist. A tree, then, can best be defined by its relationship to other entities in the world. This is so with all things.

As human beings, our consciousness can look at and reflect upon itself so we feel separate. We may not even realize that we have a connection and relationship with the rest of reality. We can live our entire lives feeling isolated and detached from ourselves, from others, from nature, from life and from the Divine. This often inchoate feeling of disconnection results in suffering – physical, emotional and spiritual. It is this level of suffering that Kabbalistic Healing addresses in a way that doesn’t separate the suffering from the person but that puts suffering in its place and views it, instead, as a gateway to healing.

Relationship is the operating paradigm in Kabbalistic Healing, so a Kabbalistic healing begins with conversation, a relationship between client and healer. Typically, a person discusses whatever it is that brings them to seek healing, be it a physical complaint, an emotional issue or another problem. As the healer converses with the client, they are also listening in an openhearted, focused manner while using a precise diagnostic process. 

This conversation, often healing in itself, guides the practitioner to choose a specific healing. At this time, the client, fully clothed, lies down on a comfortable massage table, for 5 to 15 minutes. During the healing, the client does not have to do anything but be present. The healer holds different states of consciousness which invite the client to a more integrated relationship with reality. 

Some people experience a sensation of relaxation or a shift of mood, feeling or attitude, some feel nothing at all. Either way, change begins to occur- quickly for some, gradually for others. Healings may be given in person, over the phone or via Zoom and typically take approximately an hour. There is no set number of healings required- some clients come for two or three sessions, and some may come over a period of months or years. If you are intrigued by this kind and open hearted healing modality, contact Elisabeth A. Almerini or one of our other NDHA healers for further information.

Copyright 2014, Elisabeth A. Almerini, RN, BSN, CHPN