Nondual Healer Association Member
Nondual Healer Association Member

All Nondual Healer Association members in good standing are encouraged and authorized to add the Nondual Healers Association Membership badge to their websites and other marketing materials. The two badges on this page are for your use.

You can download the images on this page directly to your computer (Mac: control + click // Windows: right click) or you can use the HTML code below for inserting into your website’s code.

Rectangular Badge:
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Nondual Healer Association Member" src="" alt="Nondual Healer Association Member" width="220" height="100" /></a>

Round Badge:
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Nondual Healer Association Member" src="" alt="Nondual Healer Association Member" width="218" height="218" /></a>