Past Events

Two Day MAGI Workshop


Hosted by Sudha Ma over Zoom, this event will cover an introduction to the MAGI process and the first 38 steps. For the first time in the world, it will be hosted bilingually in English and Telugu to serve my South Indian community. Join the WhatsApp group through the link to register for the event, [...]

Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations [...]


Living from Wholeness: An Introduction to Nonduality, Pt. 2


In this 2-class series we will journey into the experience of Nonduality beyond the conceptual, where everything, including our human difficulties, can be experienced as part of our greater wholeness.  To experience this Wholeness, we learn that our personal selves, including our difficulties and suffering, need a home as well. That home is where our [...]


Advanced Healings Practice Session


For all students of Brenda's Advanced Healings Review Class, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss, and practice. These practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance and open to all attendees of Brenda's Advanced Healings Review Classes - past and present. Sessions are held [...]


Advanced Healings Practice Session


For all students of Brenda's Advanced Healings Review Class, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss, and practice. These practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance and open to all attendees of Brenda's Advanced Healings Review Classes - past and present. Sessions are held [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations [...]


The Silent Body


Over the past centuries in many spiritual traditions the body was left out or to be transcended or suppressed. This was different in the beginnings of mankind. It's time for us to return to it: What wholeness could there be that leaves out important aspects of our human nature? In our everyday life we usually [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations [...]


Nondual Shaman Practice Session


For all students and graduates of the Nondual Shaman program, this is an opportunity to join with others in community to explore, discuss and practice. These are practice sessions are informal Zoom gatherings self-led by those in attendance. Past practice sessions have included: Reading & discussing passages from the NDS book Practicing the meditations [...]


Spiritual Poetry Writing Workshop offered by Tiferet Journal


SPIRITUAL POETRY WRITING New 3-week series begins on January 4, 2025 Saturdays from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET These are great times to turn to the writings of spiritual poets old and new. We’ll look at poems from Rumi, Tagore, Jane Hirschfield, Mary Oliver, and others. You’ll be given writing prompts to write [...]


Spiritual Poetry Writing Workshop offered by Tiferet Journal


SPIRITUAL POETRY WRITING New 3-week series begins on January 4, 2025 Saturdays from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET These are great times to turn to the writings of spiritual poets old and new. We’ll look at poems from Rumi, Tagore, Jane Hirschfield, Mary Oliver, and others. You’ll be given writing prompts to write [...]


The Light at Midnight


I always thought I would write a book using this title but never did. Yet, right now on our planet this title offers a deeper meaning than I could have imagined. Come explore Numbers & the Tree of Life as they reveal the infinite depth of their nature. Classes will be on Sundays at [...]



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