Kabbalah and Healing


A set of three 90-minute Zoom webinars to introduce my congregation (The New Shul in NYC) and others to some of the basics of Kabbalistic Healing. It's free to members of the New Shul, and $36 for all non-members who wish to participate. (Fees go to the New Shul, not to me.) Tuesdays: March [...]



Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

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