Events for Mar 03, 2025 › Nondual Healers

I thought I was done with that!


You’ve done the work, attended the classes, discovered your belief systems and explored your history - yet old familiar pains resurface as you step more fully into your life. “I thought I was done with that” is a workshop to help individuals approach their old familiar pains through the consciousness of Nonduality, integrating and alchemizing [...]



Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

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